Who Are We

We need to tell you about what we intend by this 'GOLDEN FRIENDS', So that it will help you to take a decision in your Life very fast.  It is more important that you study this web site thoroughly, so unless you are convinced. 

         Dear Friends, don't you have a feeling that some things are missing somewhere in your day-to-day life, but not able to understand what, where and why it is happening or where the missing links are.  It is true in many cases also, an element of dissatisfaction in many areas.  The issue is that we don't have time to talk to ourselves.  When we have to do that, we need to genuinely take a break out of our busy life.  We the 'GOLDEN FRIENDS' intention is to create an atmosphere for that with the right thought provocation.  But ultimately you have to do it; no one else can do it.

        Even if we are able to act on 10% of what we read it creates a 100% change in our life style.  We do agree that we can't change every thing over night, but change has to be started and if you are decided, WHY NOT NOW, as you are not sure of tomorrow.  

        A journey of thousand miles starts with a single step.  But if you don't get ready....you will never be ready.  So let us start now.... nothing is too.. late.
        GOLDEN FRIENDS wish you all SUCCESS.

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